2025-01-22Simple but fast website
How much does it cost to create and host a fast website?Not much. Simplicity is key.
READ MORE... 2025-01-18
Interpreter - Base structure
Compilers and interpreters are pretty complex programs.So it makes sense to split them into smaller parts.
2024-11-08Magento2 - Simplified module creation
If you work with Magento, you may know that creating new modules, commands, controllers, etc. cannot be done without some tools. A popular tool is Mage2Gen.com. But now you can do it with the CLI, too.READ MORE...
2024-10-29JavaScript - Debugging in Chrome
Most developers know how set a breakpoint in the browser's dev tools.But how do you debug a function when you do not know where it is called?
READ MORE... 2024-10-06
Interpreter - How scoping is implemented
Most programming languages have support for the concept of variable scoping.How is this logic implemented inside of an interpreter?
2024-08-04"Don't reinvent the wheel"
You can find many posts on Reddit, Stack Overflow, etc. that tell you not to reinvent the wheel. What about hobby projects?READ MORE... 2024-08-01
PHP - Single or double quoted string
In PHP, both single and double quoted strings can be used, but depending on the type of string, different characters are escaped.READ MORE...
2024-07-28PHP - Semicolon and closing PHP tag
I discovered that a semicolon is not always required in PHP. The closing PHP tag can be seen as adding a semicolon to the code.READ MORE... 2024-07-28
Welcome to my blog
After much thought, I have decided to start a blog.In the future, I will document my thoughts and findings here as I work on my hobby projects.